Daycare in Cedar Hills | Cedar Hills Family Daycare

child care service at an affordable price

Cedar Hills family daycare

lunch and snacks

healthy meals and snacks

Cedar Hills Family Daycare provides a nutritious snack each morning and afternoon and a nutritious lunch each mid-day. We also will provide a breakfast for early arrivers. Our menu includes fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and high quality protein sources. We also offer a vegetarian option on days when meat is served.

We often hear, “My child won’t eat vegetables,” or “My child doesn’t like sauce on his pasta.” Parents are constantly surprised at the variety of foods that their children will eat at school that they won’t even try at home. Often this is due to “positive peer pressure.” It might not happen the first time, or even the second time, but children will eventually eat foods that they see their friends enjoying.


Cedar Hills Family Daycare provides a nutritious snack each morning and afternoon and a nutritious lunch each mid-day. We also will provide a breakfast for early arrivers. Our menu includes fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and high quality protein sources. We also offer a vegetarian option on days when meat is served.

We often hear, “My child won’t eat vegetables,” or “My child doesn’t like sauce on his pasta.” Parents are constantly surprised at the variety of foods that their children will eat at school that they won’t even try at home. Often this is due to “positive peer pressure.” It might not happen the first time, or even the second time, but children will eventually eat foods that they see their friends enjoying.

Peanut Policy

*Due to the extreme nature of allergic reactions to peanuts, we do not serve any peanut-containing products at BrightPath. This applies to foods brought in from home as well.

Meal plan pdf

Meal Plan expample


Family Communication

Call any time

Two-way communication between our center and parents is paramount for the healthy development of the child.Cedar Hills Family Daycare has an open-door policy, allowing for families/guardians to visit our center at any time.

Safety and Security

All entranceways of our home are secured by a key-pad entry security system, ensuring that only our families and teachers can enter the building unassisted. This was implemented to ensure maximum security and safety of the children. These security measures can be individually deactivated any time if needed. 


In certain designated centers, our classrooms, playrooms, and playgrounds have at least one security camera. This setup enables our front desks to monitor activities across the center continuously.

Background Checks

Another way we go beyond licensing requirements is by doing our own criminal conviction and background checks before a staff member starts working with children. We follow it up every year after that as well.



CPR / First Aid Certified

All our teachers are certified in First Aid and CPR, ensuring a safe environment for your child. Additionally, our centers are equipped with Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). Our commitment to safety goes beyond requirements, as we have trained staff in medication administration and using Epi-Pens.

We are here to help you!

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